Besides the types of glass already mentioned, STIPGLAS also supplies a broad range of special glass products. These are listed below. And there’s likely still more!
- Batch glass, nuggets for the melting furnace in COE 96, 97 and 104
- Bevels, clear, diamond, round, square, rectangle, various sizes
- Butzen, the real ones (Rondels)! In various colors and diameters
- Cups
- Dalle de Verre, a glass tile measuring 20 x 30 cm and 2 cm thick, used for glass set in concrete or epoxy and possible to be cut
- Dichroic, glass with a metalic coating which causes it to become multicolored, also available in structure and with a pattern; on clear or black glass, in COE 90, 96 and 104
- Frieze angle, traditional squares for use in the corners of a skylight, for example, colored or clear with a figure ground into the glass
- Glass jewel cases, in various colors and formats, Bullaugen among others
- Optical glass, various colors in blocks of different sizes
- Zapfen, color rods for hot glass